164 port imperial

"Port Imperial" in Weehawken, NJ (Canon G5, 2005)
click here for another photo from Weehawken

Dec 16, 2005


Anonymous said...

It just leads me off down the pathway, it is really inviting and a great big sky.

Legabal said...

A beautiful place. I like the perfect composition.Great image.

Anonymous said...

My eye follows your composition all the way in. Nice work.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great place to see and be seen. I love the skyline in the background.

Anonymous said...

hey there, is this part of the hudson river -- and is the other side NYC? Looks like a deja vu to me. I don't know if I am thinking of the correct place, but it does look familiar.

But I haven't seen it this beautiful. Nice shot.