151 waterfront

"Newport Waterfront" Jersey City, NJ (Canon S70, 2005)
click here for different angle

Dec 1, 2005


Legabal said...

I am an appointment to NY likes the perspective and the panoramic one of New York within a picture where people within gigantic buildings watch the world :)

PRESENTABLE, adj. Hideously appareled after the manner of the time
and place.
In Boorioboola-Gha a man is presentable on occasions of ceremony
if he have his abdomen painted a bright blue and wear a cow's tail; in
New York he may, if it please him, omit the paint, but after sunset he
must wear two tails made of the wool of a sheep and dyed black.

Anonymous said...

Great framing, works really well.

Anonymous said...

This composition / framing is superb! Very original and unique and it kicks butt. Really love this.

Sidney said...

Strong composition! Cool design! Excellent!

jane said...

Great composition!

Anonymous said...

Great composition and incredible dynamic range!

Anonymous said...

Superb. I love the city framed into the handrail holes. Brilliant idea.

Anonymous said...

Incredible - something I would love to see framed actually.